Street Assets Map

Map your assets data at scale in a short amount of time.

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key features

Accurate coordinates

Precise locations mapped from street-level images with our patented technologies.

Standardized attributes

We categorize objects on the streets according to standard customer usage.

Extracted contents

Extract objects' unique content. Understand  them for better management.


Leveraging deep learning and computer vision, we can remotely map any objects or paintings on the streets.


Erase your outdated and incorrect data. We will help you improve your data quality from multiple data sources.


Integrating your existing data is welcome. All types of records are supported and accepted to be improved.


Display assets on maps with a well-organized design. View within organizations or open to the public.


PolaGIS data platform portal helps you quickly share, manage, and export data for analysis.


We guarantee a certain frequency to refresh the data and connect to data sources according to your needs.